Campus Sustainability

2023 Environmental Disclosures

Gearing Up on

Campus Sustainability & Climate Action

Message from our President

Campus Sustainability at NUS

2023 Key Highlights


Galvanising Change

Annual Environmental Disclosures

Minister Grace Fu and Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West District with students from Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) who have piloted innovative waste minimisation projects on NUS campus.

Empowering students to champion sustainability innovation

Zero Waste Testbed Initiative was launched in 2021 in collaboration with Southwest Community Development Council, to empower youths to champion innovative ideas and test-bed proof-of-concepts on campus.
Successful applicants are supported with project funding of up to $10,000 and mentorship by industry and government practitioners with potential to scale sustainability solutions across NUS campus or in the wider community.

“This is a wonderful way to make our university a living lab for new technology and bringing it down to actual practices. I am very encouraged by this Initiative, and I would like to commend Southwest CDC, NUS and Sembcorp for coming together on this,”

Empowering students to champion sustainability innovation

Zero Waste Testbed Initiative was launched in 2021 in collaboration with Southwest Community Development Council, to empower youths to champion innovative ideas and test-bed proof-of-concepts on campus.
Successful applicants are supported with project funding of up to $10,000 and mentorship by industry and government practitioners with potential to scale sustainability solutions across NUS campus or in the wider community.

“This is a wonderful way to make our university a living lab for new technology and bringing it down to actual practices. I am very encouraged by this Initiative, and I would like to commend Southwest CDC, NUS and Sembcorp for coming together on this,”

Successful projects supported by Zero Waste Testbed Initiative

Beating the rise in emissions

In 2023, our emissions increased from 115 ktCO2e in 2022 to 122 ktCO2e due to the addition of new buildings and increased energy use in existing buildings.

While new buildings have achieved Green Mark (GM) Platinum and above certifications in design, we are also optimising the energy consumption in these buildings during operations. By 2025, we strive to beat the increase and achieve 118 ktCO2e as an interim target, aiming for 7.5 ktCO2e reduction through green lab initiative and commissioning campus-wide rooftop solar panels. 

Rooftop solar panels installed campus wide such as in the College of Design & Engineering (CDE) precinct

Commissioning 9.2 MWp of solar photovoltaic capacity

Solar panels onsite will supply renewable energy to replace approximately 4% (11 GWh) of NUS’ total electricity consumption, enough to power 2,500 four-room HDB flats for a year. These solar panels will be switched on progressively in 2024.

We are striving to maximise our solar capacity to 14 MWp by 2030 through higher efficiency solar panel technology and increased roof top coverage.

Energy performance ahead of government benchmark

School of Design & Environment (SDE) building cluster, consisting of SDE 1, 3 and 4, have achieved Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) significantly lower than the Super Low Energy benchmark set by Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for Institutes of Higher Learning.

SDE4 is the first purpose-built net-zero energy building in Singapore.

We are advancing our net zero energy design philosophy in all suitable new buildings by incorporating active and passive design features to reduce energy consumption, while designing for onsite renewable energy production.
Originally built in the 1970s, SDE1 & 3 were redesigned and retrofitted with net zero, low-energy green architectural elements.
Older buildings like SDE1 & SDE3 were retrofitted to preserve embodied carbon. After renovation, the total embodied carbon was about 200 kgCO2e/m2, 80% lower than BCA’s reference value (1,000 kgCO2e/m2 for non-residential buildings).
Meeting with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) sustainability team in 2024.
We meet annually with sustainability teams from Institutes of Higher Learning to exchange best practices and learnings.

At President’s Award for Environment 2023 award ceremony, we shared our net zero energy design philosophy with President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and guests, including Mr Tharman’s spouse Ms Jane Ittogi, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Dr Amy Khor, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Ms Grace Fu and Senior Parliamentary Secretary Mr Baey Yam Keng.

Sharing NUS Campus Sustainability Roadmap 2030 at key platforms to support Singapore Green Plan 2030.
Hosted Abu Dhabi Department of Energy and the UAE Embassy in October 2022.
Hosting foreign delegates to share design philosophy on net zero energy buildings.
Hosting global universities to exchange ideas and learnings, as well as to support capacity-building as a leading university.

A virtual model of NUS Kent Ridge campus showing micro-climate sensor network of 40 weather stations, 6 infrared cameras and 3 meteorological towers.

High resolution data for cool campus programme

Close to 50 campus-wide sensors provide us with high-resolution environmental data to identify hot spots, forming the basis to test outdoor thermal comfort mitigation measures such as cool paint on buildings and hard surfaces as well as extensive greening, and provide planning insights for future campus development.
SDE4 was the first local university building to achieve Green Mark Operation Platinum Positive Energy certification with at least 115% more energy than consumed annually. In 2022, 485 MWh of solar energy was generated from SDE4 rooftop solar panels, while only 379 MWh was consumed in building operations. The excess energy was enough to power twenty five 4-room HDB flats for a whole year!
Staff participating in NUS Giving 2023 ‘Plant-It-Forward’ event planting trees in University Town.

Planting 100,000 trees on campus

Planted 47,552 trees on campus since November 2018

We aim to plant 100,000 trees by 2030, contributing to 10% of Singapore’s OneMillionTrees movement.

An energy audit conducted in an energy-intensive building highlighted ultra-low temperature freezers (i.e. deep freezers) as a key intervention.

Switching to energy efficient deep freezers in two years

In 2023, we launched our Sustainable Procurement Framework, where key guiding principles include avoiding unnecessary purchases, considering total cost of ownership and sourcing sustainable or energy efficient products.
By 2025, 212 out of 532 deep freezers across campus will be changed to energy efficient models from the central procurement catalogue. This will save about 2.4 GWh annually.

Prioritise key waste streams to increase recycling rate

In 2023, the recycling rate dropped to baseline level of 27%, due to the cessation of off-site food waste recycling at NEA Ulu Pandan co-digestion plant. The daily waste disposed per capita also increased due to more events on campus.

We will be maximising food waste recycling with a hub and spoke model to transport food waste from various parts of campus to our three onsite composters and a new food waste valoriser. In 2025, we aim to reduce excessive food waste generated from catering. We are also closing plastic waste loops by collecting more types of plastics (e.g., low-density polyethylene) to repurpose as modified bitumen for paving campus roads. By 2025, we strive to achieve 28% recycling rate and 0.16 kg/day/capita as an interim target, by maximising recycling and reducing our total waste generated.

We have conducted site visits to our recycling collectors’ material recovery facilities at Lok Yang Road to check how our recyclables are processed.

Our recyclables are clean enough for recycling

The NUS community has been consistently sorting right, resulting in largely clean, homogeneous recyclable streams. Contamination rates at our Recycle Right bins and Resource Sorting Stations are low.

Our recycling collectors transport these clean recyclables to local material recovery facilities for baling and consolidation before exporting them to neighbouring countries for recycling.

Dining Halls in U Town
1Encourage student residents to bring your own (BYO) containers at Grab & Go breakfast counters in hostels.
Food Courts in U Town

Reusable takeaway cup system

Compostable takeaway containers

Trial alternatives to takeaway disposables including a student-driven pilot reusable cup system and switching from disposable to compostable ware.
Stephen Riady Center in U Town
Compostable ware will be sent to aerobic digestor in U Town bin center at Stephen Riady Centre to be turned into compost.
Across Campus
Compost used for landscaping on campus.

Reuse Preloved Items From Hostel Checkout

To prevent mindless dumping in waste and recycling chutes during hostel checkout, collection points were setup for student residents to sort waste, recyclables and reusables before moving out.

Unwanted textile, including pillows were sent for recycling by Cloop while reusables like clothes hangers were set aside for reuse by incoming student residents.

Hostels in U Town
1Checkout Collection Points setup in prominent locations at each hostel for students to sort waste, recyclables and reusables before moving out.
2Students further sort the collection to keep reusables for incoming student residents.
Beyond Campus:

Unwanted textile items sorted for recycling by Cloop

Across Campus
1A new Marketplace feature in the uNivUS app was launched in May 2024, for NUS students and staff to buy, sell and exchange various items and essentials, ranging from used textbooks and tech gadgets to sports equipment.

Segregated Collection Points Across The Campus

Unlike the public commingled (mixed) recycling collection, NUS practises segregated recycling collection to minimise contamination.
For Recycling

Packaging (Plastics Bottles, Metal Cans, Paper & Cardboard, Glass)

Collection by segregated waste streams and transferred to Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and downstream recycling plants
MRF for paper & cardboard (left), plastic bottles (top right), metal tins, glass (bottom left) and cans (bottom right)


  • Consumer recycling via ALBA E-Waste bins

  • Institutional e-waste recycling collection via STEP-UP app
ALBA transfers the e-waste to a segregation and processing facility.


Consumer recycling via Cloop bins
Cloop sends the collected textiles to their ISO-accredited recycling partner, to be sorted into >500 categories for reuse, upcycle, and recycle internationally.

Horticulture Waste

  • Processed by wood-chipper machines and left to break down as mulch for campus landscaping

  • Tree pruning including branches and fallen trees are processed at waste-to-energy biomass plant
Mulch processed from horticulture waste such as leaf litter and plant trimmings is used for landscaping purpose
For disposal by incineration and landfill

General Waste

  • Weighing mechanism on collection vehicles and RFID bin tags for granular data collection

  • Data monitoring and tracking for each location
ALBA’s trucks and refuse compactors bring campus waste for incineration before it gets sent to Semakau landfill

Repurpose Plastic Waste to Close Waste Loop

Taking one step above recycling, we are repurposing hard-to-recycle plastic streams (e.g., ) into bituminous plastic mixes for paving roads on campus.
Tembusu Residential College & U Town Residences
Segregated collection of plastic streams
Labs across
Lab plastic collection such as pipettes containers (PP5)
Local processing facility outside campus
Shredding of plastic materials
Processed into bituminous plastic mix
On Campus
Repurpose for roads paving works on campus
Mr Harry Lim (Secretariat of Zero Waste Taskforce) brainstorming with Mr Tommy Cheong

Recycling Right Through Better Design

The NUS Zero Waste Taskforce (ZWT) partnered Mr Tommy Cheong (NUS Industrial Design, Class of 2020) to develop and test a new recycling bin design to get people to recycle right as part of his Final Year Project (FYP).
This bin design was developed based on insights gathered from interviewing users and prototyping initial designs with the support from South West Community Development Council (South West CDC) and OTTO Waste Systems Pte Ltd for their inputs.
The sleek “Recycle Right” bin design features a clear display with real non-recyclables that highlights what should not be placed inside the recycling bins, a slidable opening lid that adds friction to reduce mindless throwing of non-recyclables and a transparent bin body that showcases the accumulated clean recyclables.
The bin design was effective in getting people within campus to recycle right – contamination rate of the plastic bottle recycling bins had reduced by more than half, from 60% to 27%, based on a contamination study done in University Town. The bins are currently available campus wide to build a social norm of careful waste sorting and reduce contamination.

Watch Tommy Cheong share his story in the video below.

Production by NUS Office of University Communications
“I’m grateful for the collaborative efforts with NEA and the malls (Lendlease & CapitaLand) with this recycling pilot to trial the Recycle Right Bins, and to be able to provide the operational guide for efficient implementation and maintenance of this bin system. It is encouraging to see that there have been significant improvements in recycling rates and contamination reduction not just on the NUS campus, but at the public malls as well”
– Mr Tommy Cheong
“Recycle Right” bins at JEM Mall
Recycling right beyond campus
To test the bins in public spaces beyond the campus, NUS ZWT had collaborated with the National Environment Agency (NEA), Lendlease and CapitaLand to conduct a behavioural experiment to test the bins in JEM and IMM. The experiment was conducted in the period 2021 to early 2022, observing over 7,000 disposal behaviours during peak hours. This was the first time that the bins were placed in a non-campus setting.
The bin design showed to be effective in getting people to recycle right – contamination rate of the plastic bottle recycling bins had similarly reduced by more than half, from 79% to 29%. The amount of items recycled remained similar, while the amount of non-recyclables in recycling bins decreased. This suggested that users were recycling better, without recycling less.
Schools like Westwood Primary School have also implemented the bins.
“The introduction of the Recycle Right bins at Westwood Primary School is part of our continued drive to engage and educate our pupils not just on the importance of recycling but recycling it right. As a stalwart in Environmental Education, Westwood Primary School has successfully integrated its well-known Positive Education with its Environmental Education programmes. For example, our pupils learn values such as resilience and gratitude while recycling and the recyclables from the Recycle Right bins are sold and the proceeds donated to conservation efforts spearheaded by various NGOs.”

-Mrs Enda Chan,
Subject Head, Environmental Education.

Close Food Waste Loop

To close the food waste loop, pre-processing food waste from dining halls and food courts is sent to aerobic digestors to be turned into compost for landscaping use on campus. A food waste valorisation system is also being piloted to convert food waste into high-value aqua feed.
Food Courts And Dining Halls in U Town

Student-initiated reminders placed at food court stall fronts to minimise food waste. Read more here.

Pre-processing food waste like fruit peels and vegetable scraps are sorted in the kitchen.
Stephen Riady Center in U Town
Food waste sent to aerobic digestor in U Town bin center at Stephen Riady Centre to be turned into compost.
Across Campus
Compost used for landscaping on campus
Cinnamon Residential College (RC) in UTown
Food waste is sorted at Cinnamon RC dining hall kitchen before being sent to Food Waste Valoriser for onsite treatment.
Outside Campus
Treated substrates from the valoriser sent off-campus to be converted to high-quality microbial protein feed for aquaculture industry.

Nurture next generation of student advocates through immersive sustainability education

Dr Elliot Law

Senior Lecturer, Innovation & Design Programme (iDP), Engineering Design and Innovation Centre

Dr Eunice Ng

Fellow & Resident Fellow, Ridge View Residential College

Dr Jovan Tan

Lecturer from Engineering Design and Innovation Centre

Build infrastructure and design touch points to operationalise Zero Waste precinct

Loo Deliang

Chairman, Zero Waste Taskforce & Head, Sustainability Strategy Unit, University Campus Infrastructure

Harry Lim

Secretariat, Zero Waste Taskforce & Manager, Sustainability Strategy Unit, University Campus Infrastructure

Stephanie Fong

Associate Director, Campus Services, Division of Campus Life

Ian Soh

Associate Director, Housing Services/ Customer Experience, Campus Life

Design procurement processes to shape a culture of sustainability

Ben Koh

Senior Associate Director, Central Procurement Office

Seah Pei Ching

Assistant Senior Category Manager, Central Procurement Office

Role model, network and lead sustainability issues amongst their peers

Foo Shi Wen

Recycle Right Ambassador,  Liberal Arts at Yale-NUS College, Class of 2024

Edric Ong

Co-founder PlasticEVO, Biomedical Engineering at NUS College of Design and Engineering, Class of 2024

Daryl Goh

Founder of Willow, Master of Business Administration at NUS Business School,  Class of 2023

Chai Sheng Lin

Recycle Right Ambassador,  Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Yale-NUS College,  Class of 2024

Amanda Tay

Co-founder of Brambe, Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Class of 2021 

Goh Tian Ning

Co-President of NUS Student’s Associate for Visions (SAVE) 2023- 2024

Jonathan How

Founder of Sharetings

Verlyn Ku

Coordinator of Infiniuse (student reuse event), Biomedical Engineering at NUS College of Design and Engineering, Class of 2024

Sophia Ding

Founder of Green Doctors Programme, Environmental Engineering at NUS College of Design and Engineering, Class of 2023.
Artist’s impression of Yusof Ishak House, designed for Net Zero Energy, showcases features such as cross ventilation and natural lighting through strategic façade openings, and ceiling fans to promote high energy efficiency.

Optimise energy performance from design to operations

Our new buildings are designed to be energy efficient and will have to continuously operate at optimal energy performance.
For example, we have achieved best-in-class energy and carbon performance for the SDE building cluster (SDE 1, 3 and 4), with an Energy Usage Intensity of under 50 kWh/ m² /year. This is significantly lower than the 90 kWh/ m² /year benchmark set by Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for Institutes of Higher Learning.
Learnings from the design of SDE building cluster are being applied to Yusof Ishak House (YIH) which is undergoing retrofitting and due for reopening in Q4 2024 as our next Net Zero Energy building.

Towards Singapore’s first net zero energy cluster

NUS is leading with Singapore’s first building cluster targeting Net Zero Energy, comprising Positive Energy Building SDE4 and two renovated buildings SDE1 and SDE3. Collectively, the cluster consumes less electricity than it generates on a yearly basis.
To ensure consistent high renewable energy generation, we are working with SERIS and solar panel manufacturers to place the highest efficiency solar panels on SDE 3 rooftop (picture above). This serves as a real-world living lab to test and showcase solar panel technologies as they evolve in the coming years.

Rooftop solar panels installed campus wide such as in the College of Design & Engineering (CDE) precinct

Deploy campus-wide rooftop solar panels

We have completed campus-wide solar panel installation of about 9.2 MWp, which will provide about 11 GWh of renewable energy when progressively switched on in 2024. This will replace about 4%of the total campus energy use with renewable energy, saving about 4.5 ktCO2e.
We are striving to maximise this capacity to 14 MWp by 2030 through higher efficiency technology and increased rooftop coverage.
Inefficient deep freezers consume more than 18 kWh/day, or 1.5 times the average daily energy consumption of a 4-room HDB unit.

Greening laboratories across campus

Energy consumption in laboratory buildings constitute over half of total campus energy use. Together with NUS Medicine, we managed to reduce energy consumption at MD6, the top energy consuming building in 2022.
We cut about 1.9 GWh, or close to 10% of its energy use in the past year, saving 0.79 ktCO2e. The savings are equivalent to the annual consumption of about 440 HDB 4-room flats or $412,000 in energy costs. We are on track for further reduction with chiller plant optimisation efforts, LED fit out and switching to energy efficient deep freezers.
Beyond MD6, we are conducting energy audits at S9 and other top energy consuming lab buildings to determine energy load profile for targeted interventions. With building-by-building optimisation, we expect to save about 4.7 GWh or 2.0 ktCO2e by 2025.
In 2023, we completed a campus-wide stock take of all deep freezers in our laboratories. Working with Office of Finance, Central Procurement Office and the faculties, we have started replacing about 212 energy inefficient deep freezers out of 532 units, which will save about 2.4 GWh or 1.0 ktCO2e and $528,000 in energy costs annually when completed in 2025.

Find out more about our Green Lab Initiative.

Dynamic control of air conditioning system in lecture theatres

Lecture theatres are often booked but not used resulting in energy wastage cooling large volumes of spaces unnecessarily. We are working to optimise energy used for cooling large lecture theatres by ensuring they are cooled only when occupied.
We are trialing a system to dynamically control air-conditioning in three lecture theatres in College of Design and Engineering in 2024. The system will integrate information from the booking system and occupancy sensors with algorithms in the Building Management Systems (BMS) to optimise air-conditioning operations.
Air-conditioning will be automatically switched off when no occupancy is detected after a grace period. Airflow and temperature setpoint will be calibrated according to level of occupancy to balance user comfort and prevent overcooling.
If the pilot is successful, this will be scaled up to all lecture theatres campus-wide, saving about 0.4 GWh (0.17 ktCO2e) annually.

Towards A More Climate Resilient Campus

Thermal comfort is a perception of how one feels in an environment.
As temperatures rise globally and in Singapore, we strive to reduce campus hot spots, measured using the Outdoor Thermal Comfort Index (OTCI). 
We are testing cooling measures such as cool paint on building façade and pavements, tree planting, adding water features and shading walkways to reduce solar radiation and heat absorption. Effective measures will be included in future infrastructure development to improve outdoor thermal comfort on campus. 
OTCI values are determined based on a combination of temperature and wind variables. 

Preliminary Monthly Result: Sample of Jan 2020 dataset.

Temperature Map


Wind Map



Where is this hot spot?
College of Design & Engineering
What makes this a hot spot?
Dense buildings with high heat absorption; high amount of hard pavement
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • By mid 2024 – Applying cool paint on selected road pavements
  • By end 2024 – Applying cool paint to approximate 50% of CDE’s building facades

Cool Paint On Building Facades And Pavements

As a trial cooling measure to reduce hot spots, cool paint will be applied on the sports courts and façade of E1A Building in College of Design & Environment (CDE).
The selected building is west-facing and exposed to high solar radiation in the afternoon and evening. Environmental data will be tracked over time to assess effectiveness in heat mitigation before further implementation across campus.
Carbon Neutral
  • Emissions and EUI rising due to new buildings and increase in electricity consumption of existing buildings
FY30 Target: Achieve carbon neutrality, by 30% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions (79 ktCO2e) from FY19 baseline before
FY19 Baseline: 113 ktCO2e
FY30 Indicator: 20% reduction from FY19 baseline
FY19 Baseline: 195 kWh/m2
Cool NUS
  • Campus baseline on track to be established by Q4 FY24
  • Tree planting on track
Indicator: Achieve an acceptable level of outdoor thermal comfort
FY30 Target: 100,000 trees
Zero Waste
  • Recycling rate was lower than FY22’s performance of 32% due to cessation of offsite food waste recycling
  • Daily waste disposed per capita increased; to bridge gap in waste reduction efforts
FY30 Target: 50% recycling rate
FY19 Baseline: 27%
FY30 Indicator: 30% reduction from FY21 baseline
FY21 Baseline: 0.14 kg/day/capita

On Track:

We are on track towards reaching our target.


We need to do more to achieve our target.


Baselining or other preparation works being done.

Improving data accuracy in waste collection using an Optical Character Recognition system developed by NUS Students Jax Lee, Filbert Chan, Rachel See from Data Science.

Tracking Progress Through Data

In 2021, we worked with our waste management vendor to deploy waste trucks with load cells to collect weight data from RFID-tagged bins at every bin centre.
To improve accuracy in data capture, NUS students from Data Science are designing an Optical Character Recognition system instead of relying on manual recording subjected to human errors. To track our progress in diverting waste from incineration, we also conduct sample waste composition studies to gain insights on the breakdown of the waste disposed (i.e., quantity of recyclables dumped in waste stream).
Sample waste composition studies conducted by students from Ridge View Residential College as part of their sustainability programme
Staff participants of NUS Giving’s 2023 ‘Plant-It-Forward’ event planting trees in University Town.

Campus in a Tropical Rainforest

The University is home to The Ridge, a young secondary rainforest located at the heart of Kent Ridge Campus. We are reforesting the Ridge and conserving mature trees, to nurture a biophilic campus where our community can interact with lush greenery and rich biodiversity in their daily routines on campus.

Contributing to Singapore’s journey in becoming a City in Nature, we aim to extend green spaces on campus by growing more naturalised gardens and nature ways and enriching our diversity of flora and fauna. Contributing to Singapore’s OneMillionTreesmovement, we pledge to plant 100,000 more trees on campus by 2030. Find out more about Trees of NUS

Student participants in a 2022 tree-planting event along the University Sports Complex.
Ridge reforestation efforts and greening hot spots (e.g., sports courts) on campus bring together our staff, students and alumni.
Where is this hot spot?
Sports courts & open field
What makes this a hot spot?
Hard pavement at outdoor sports court; open space with minimal shade
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • By end 2025 – Applying cool paint on hard courts
  • Introducemore shadethrough progressive greenery planting
Where is this hot spot?
NUS Medicine & Faculty of Science
What makes this a hot spot?
Dense building swith high heat absorption; high amount of hard pavement
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • Exploring opportunities to add permeablesurfaces like shrubs or gardens, and increase shading with greenery
Where is this hot spot?
Prince George’s Park Residence
What makes this a hot spot?
Dense building swith high heat absorption; higha mount of hard pavement
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • Applying cool paint on hard courts and selected building facades with high solar radiation
  • Exploring opportunities to add permeablesurfaces like shrubs or gardens, and increase shading with greenery

Intensifying Campus Greening

As we green our campus, we are assessing the impact of our tree planting efforts in improving outdoor thermal comfort.
We are using a digital greenery model that integrates data from satellite images, a 3D scan of the campus and on-ground physical measurements of large trees on campus.

Most Dense Network Of Micro-climate Sensors In A Local Campus

In 2023, we extended our network of micro-climate sensors across Kent Ridge campus. With 40 weather stations, 6 infrared cameras and 3 meteorological towers, we track a range of environmental data across various urban environments and heights. The high-resolution data is used to develop our baseline outdoor thermal comfort map and to assess effectiveness of cooling measures to tackle campus hot spots.

Digital Twin For Future Simulation

Leveraging on technology, tailored mitigation measures will be simulated integrating tools (e.g. STEVE tool, CFD) in a 3D virtual model of the Kent Ridge Campus.
Potential mitigation strategies will be implemented on campus and incorporated in future campus design guidelines to drive climate resilience.

Digital Twin For Future Simulation

Leveraging on technology, tailored mitigation measures will be simulated integrating tools (e.g. STEVE tool, CFD) in a 3D virtual model of the Kent Ridge Campus.
Potential mitigation strategies will be implemented on campus and incorporated in future campus design guidelines to drive climate resilience.

Intensifying Campus Greening

As we green our campus, we are assessing the impact of our tree planting efforts in improving outdoor thermal comfort.
We are using a digital greenery model that integrates data from satellite images, a 3D scan of the campus and on-ground physical measurements of large trees on campus.

Most Dense Network Of Micro-climate Sensors In A Local Campus

In 2023, we extended our network of micro-climate sensors across Kent Ridge campus. With 40 weather stations, 6 infrared cameras and 3 meteorological towers, we track a range of environmental data across various urban environments and heights. The high-resolution data is used to develop our baseline outdoor thermal comfort map and to assess effectiveness of cooling measures to tackle campus hot spots.
Where is this hot spot?
Prince George’s Park Residence
What makes this a hot spot?
Dense building swith high heat absorption; higha mount of hard pavement
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • Applying cool paint on hard courts and selected building facades with high solar radiation
  • Exploring opportunities to add permeablesurfaces like shrubs or gardens, and increase shading with greenery
Where is this hot spot?
NUS Medicine & Faculty of Science
What makes this a hot spot?
Dense building swith high heat absorption; high amount of hard pavement
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • Exploring opportunities to add permeablesurfaces like shrubs or gardens, and increase shading with greenery
Where is this hot spot?
Sports courts & open field
What makes this a hot spot?
Hard pavement at outdoor sports court; open space with minimal shade
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • By end 2025 – Applying cool paint on hard courts
  • Introducemore shadethrough progressive greenery planting
Staff participants of NUS Giving’s 2023 ‘Plant-It-Forward’ event planting trees in University Town.

Campus in a Tropical Rainforest

The University is home to The Ridge, a young secondary rainforest located at the heart of Kent Ridge Campus. We are reforesting the Ridge and conserving mature trees, to nurture a biophilic campus where our community can interact with lush greenery and rich biodiversity in their daily routines on campus.

Contributing to Singapore’s journey in becoming a City in Nature, we aim to extend green spaces on campus by growing more naturalised gardens and nature ways and enriching our diversity of flora and fauna. Contributing to Singapore’s OneMillionTreesmovement, we pledge to plant 100,000 more trees on campus by 2030. Find out more about Trees of NUS

Student participants in a 2022 tree-planting event along the University Sports Complex.
Ridge reforestation efforts and greening hot spots (e.g., sports courts) on campus bring together our staff, students and alumni.
Previous slide
Next slide
Improving data accuracy in waste collection using an Optical Character Recognition system developed by NUS Students Jax Lee, Filbert Chan, Rachel See from Data Science.

Tracking Progress Through Data

In 2021, we worked with our waste management vendor to deploy waste trucks with load cells to collect weight data from RFID-tagged bins at every bin centre.
To improve accuracy in data capture, NUS students from Data Science are designing an Optical Character Recognition system instead of relying on manual recording subjected to human errors. To track our progress in diverting waste from incineration, we also conduct sample waste composition studies to gain insights on the breakdown of the waste disposed (i.e., quantity of recyclables dumped in waste stream).
Sample waste composition studies conducted by students from Ridge View Residential College as part of their sustainability programme
Carbon Neutral
  • Emissions and EUI rising due to new buildings and increase in electricity consumption of existing buildings
FY30 Target: Achieve carbon neutrality, by 30% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions (79 ktCO2e) from FY19 baseline before
FY19 Baseline: 113 ktCO2e
FY30 Indicator: 20% reduction from FY19 baseline
FY19 Baseline: 195 kWh/m2
Cool NUS
  • Campus baseline on track to be established by Q4 FY24
  • Tree planting on track
Indicator: Achieve an acceptable level of outdoor thermal comfort
FY30 Target: 100,000 trees
Zero Waste
  • Recycling rate was lower than FY22’s performance of 32% due to cessation of offsite food waste recycling
  • Daily waste disposed per capita increased; to bridge gap in waste reduction efforts
FY30 Target: 50% recycling rate
FY19 Baseline: 27%
FY30 Indicator: 30% reduction from FY21 baseline
FY21 Baseline: 0.14 kg/day/capita

On Track:

We are on track towards reaching our target.


We need to do more to achieve our target.


Baselining or other preparation works being done.

Cool Paint On Building Facades And Pavements

As a trial cooling measure to reduce hot spots, cool paint will be applied on the sports courts and façade of E1A Building in College of Design & Environment (CDE).
The selected building is west-facing and exposed to high solar radiation in the afternoon and evening. Environmental data will be tracked over time to assess effectiveness in heat mitigation before further implementation across campus.
Where is this hot spot?
College of Design & Engineering
What makes this a hot spot?
Dense buildings with high heat absorption; high amount of hard pavement
How are we cooling this hot spot?
  • By mid 2024 – Applying cool paint on selected road pavements
  • By end 2024 – Applying cool paint to approximate 50% of CDE’s building facades

Towards A More Climate Resilient Campus

Thermal comfort is a perception of how one feels in an environment.
As temperatures rise globally and in Singapore, we strive to reduce campus hot spots, measured using the Outdoor Thermal Comfort Index (OTCI). 
We are testing cooling measures such as cool paint on building façade and pavements, tree planting, adding water features and shading walkways to reduce solar radiation and heat absorption. Effective measures will be included in future infrastructure development to improve outdoor thermal comfort on campus. 
OTCI values are determined based on a combination of temperature and wind variables. 

Preliminary Monthly Result: Sample of Jan 2020 dataset.

Temperature Map


Wind Map



Dynamic control of air conditioning system in lecture theatres

Lecture theatres are often booked but not used resulting in energy wastage cooling large volumes of spaces unnecessarily. We are working to optimise energy used for cooling large lecture theatres by ensuring they are cooled only when occupied.
We are trialing a system to dynamically control air-conditioning in three lecture theatres in College of Design and Engineering in 2024. The system will integrate information from the booking system and occupancy sensors with algorithms in the Building Management Systems (BMS) to optimise air-conditioning operations.
Air-conditioning will be automatically switched off when no occupancy is detected after a grace period. Airflow and temperature setpoint will be calibrated according to level of occupancy to balance user comfort and prevent overcooling.
If the pilot is successful, this will be scaled up to all lecture theatres campus-wide, saving about 0.4 GWh (0.17 ktCO2e) annually.

Towards Singapore’s first net zero energy cluster

NUS is leading with Singapore’s first building cluster targeting Net Zero Energy, comprising Positive Energy Building SDE4 and two renovated buildings SDE1 and SDE3. Collectively, the cluster consumes less electricity than it generates on a yearly basis.
To ensure consistent high renewable energy generation, we are working with SERIS and solar panel manufacturers to place the highest efficiency solar panels on SDE 3 rooftop (picture above). This serves as a real-world living lab to test and showcase solar panel technologies as they evolve in the coming years.

Rooftop solar panels installed campus wide such as in the College of Design & Engineering (CDE) precinct

Deploy campus-wide rooftop solar panels

We have completed campus-wide solar panel installation of about 9.2 MWp, which will provide about 11 GWh of renewable energy when progressively switched on in 2024. This will replace about 4%of the total campus energy use with renewable energy, saving about 4.5 ktCO2e.
We are striving to maximise this capacity to 14 MWp by 2030 through higher efficiency technology and increased rooftop coverage.
Inefficient deep freezers consume more than 18 kWh/day, or 1.5 times the average daily energy consumption of a 4-room HDB unit.

Greening laboratories across campus

Energy consumption in laboratory buildings constitute over half of total campus energy use. Together with NUS Medicine, we managed to reduce energy consumption at MD6, the top energy consuming building in 2022.
We cut about 1.9 GWh, or close to 10% of its energy use in the past year, saving 0.79 ktCO2e. The savings are equivalent to the annual consumption of about 440 HDB 4-room flats or $412,000 in energy costs. We are on track for further reduction with chiller plant optimisation efforts, LED fit out and switching to energy efficient deep freezers.
Beyond MD6, we are conducting energy audits at S9 and other top energy consuming lab buildings to determine energy load profile for targeted interventions. With building-by-building optimisation, we expect to save about 4.7 GWh or 2.0 ktCO2e by 2025.
In 2023, we completed a campus-wide stock take of all deep freezers in our laboratories. Working with Office of Finance, Central Procurement Office and the faculties, we have started replacing about 212 energy inefficient deep freezers out of 532 units, which will save about 2.4 GWh or 1.0 ktCO2e and $528,000 in energy costs annually when completed in 2025.

Find out more about our Green Lab Initiative.

Artist’s impression of Yusof Ishak House, designed for Net Zero Energy, showcases features such as cross ventilation and natural lighting through strategic façade openings, and ceiling fans to promote high energy efficiency.

Optimise energy performance from design to operations

Our new buildings are designed to be energy efficient and will have to continuously operate at optimal energy performance.
For example, we have achieved best-in-class energy and carbon performance for the SDE building cluster (SDE 1, 3 and 4), with an Energy Usage Intensity of under 50 kWh/ m² /year. This is significantly lower than the 90 kWh/ m² /year benchmark set by Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for Institutes of Higher Learning.
Learnings from the design of SDE building cluster are being applied to Yusof Ishak House (YIH) which is undergoing retrofitting and due for reopening in Q4 2024 as our next Net Zero Energy building.

Role model, network and lead sustainability issues amongst their peers

Tommy Cheong

Designer at Design Incubation Centre (DIC), Industrial Design at College of Design and Engineering, Class of 2020

Edric Ong

Co-founder PlasticEVO, Biomedical Engineering at NUS College of Design and Engineering, Class of 2024

Goh Tian Ning

Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Class of 2026

Nadya Heryanto

Co-President of NUS Student’s Associate for Visions (SAVE) 2024- 2025

Amanda Tay

Co-founder of Brambe, Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Class of 2021 

Foo Shi Wen

Liberal Arts at Yale- NUS College, Class of 2024

Chai Sheng Lin

Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Yale-NUS College, Class of 2024

Jonathan How

Founder of Sharetings

Kong Qi Herng

Co-founder of Moonbeam, Pharmaceutical Science at NUS Faculty of Science, Class of 2022

Verlyn Ku

Coordinator of Infiniuse (student reuse event), Biomedical Engineering at NUS College of Design and Engineering, Class of 2024

Campus Administration staff

Ben Koh

Senior Associate Director, Central Procurement Office

Seah Pei Ching

Assistant Senior Category Manager, Central Procurement Office

Campus Infrastructure staff

Loo Deliang

Chairman, Zero Waste Taskforce & Head, Sustainability Strategy Unit, University Campus Infrastructure

Harry Lim

Secretariat, Zero Waste Taskforce & Manager, Sustainability Strategy Unit, University Campus Infrastructure

Jeslin Pang

Head, Campus Services- Retail and Dining Services, University Campus Infrastructure

Faculty staff

Dr Elliot Law

Senior Lecturer, Innovation & Design Programme (iDP), Engineering Design and Innovation Centre

Dr Eunice Ng

Fellow & Resident Fellow, Ridge View Residential College

Dr Jovan Tan

Lecturer from Engineering Design and Innovation Centre
The Resource Sorting Station has segregated streams with transparent bins to inspire confidence and encourage responsible use.

Bringing waste to ‘front of house’

We launched Resource Sorting Station (RSS), the first smart waste and recycling collection station in NUS, with clear streams to minimise contamination and weight sensors to track recycling progress.
The pilot RSS were introduced at Tembusu Residential College and UTown Residences in 2023, supported by the SG Eco Fund. Designed to replace backof- house chute system with centralised ground level sorting, the RSS encourages positive social norms of waste sorting with pilot implementation showing recycling contamination rate dropped from 50% to near zero. The RSS will be refined as the blueprint for future waste sorting experience in high rise student hostels.
The sleek “Recycle Right” bin design features a clear display with real non-recyclables that highlights what should not be placed inside the recycling bins, a slidable opening lid that adds friction to reduce mindless throwing of non-recyclables and a transparent bin body that showcases the accumulated clean recyclables.
The bin design was effective in getting people within campus to recycle right – contamination rate of the plastic bottle recycling bins had reduced by more than half, from 60% to 27%, based on a contamination study done in University Town. The bins are currently available campus wide to build a social norm of careful waste sorting and reduce contamination.

Watch Tommy Cheong share his story in the video below.

Production by NUS Office of University Communications
“I’m grateful for the collaborative efforts with NEA and the malls (Lendlease & CapitaLand) with this recycling pilot to trial the Recycle Right Bins, and to be able to provide the operational guide for efficient implementation and maintenance of this bin system. It is encouraging to see that there have been significant improvements in recycling rates and contamination reduction not just on the NUS campus, but at the public malls as well”
– Mr Tommy Cheong
“Recycle Right” bins at JEM Mall
Recycling right beyond campus
To test the bins in public spaces beyond the campus, NUS ZWT had collaborated with the National Environment Agency (NEA), Lendlease and CapitaLand to conduct a behavioural experiment to test the bins in JEM and IMM. The experiment was conducted in the period 2021 to early 2022, observing over 7,000 disposal behaviours during peak hours. This was the first time that the bins were placed in a non-campus setting.
The bin design showed to be effective in getting people to recycle right – contamination rate of the plastic bottle recycling bins had similarly reduced by more than half, from 79% to 29%. The amount of items recycled remained similar, while the amount of non-recyclables in recycling bins decreased. This suggested that users were recycling better, without recycling less.
Schools like Westwood Primary School have also implemented the bins.
“The introduction of the Recycle Right bins at Westwood Primary School is part of our continued drive to engage and educate our pupils not just on the importance of recycling but recycling it right. As a stalwart in Environmental Education, Westwood Primary School has successfully integrated its well-known Positive Education with its Environmental Education programmes. For example, our pupils learn values such as resilience and gratitude while recycling and the recyclables from the Recycle Right bins are sold and the proceeds donated to conservation efforts spearheaded by various NGOs.”

-Mrs Enda Chan,
Subject Head, Environmental Education.

Close Food Waste Loop

To close the food waste loop, pre-processing food waste from dining halls and food courts is sent to aerobic digestors to be turned into compost for landscaping use on campus. A food waste valorisation system is also being piloted to convert food waste into high-value aqua feed.
Food Courts And Dining Halls in U Town

Student-initiated reminders placed at food court stall fronts to minimise food waste. Read more here.

Pre-processing food waste like fruit peels and vegetable scraps are sorted in the kitchen.
Stephen Riady Center in U Town
Food waste sent to aerobic digestor in U Town bin center at Stephen Riady Centre to be turned into compost.
Across Campus
Compost used for landscaping on campus
Cinnamon Residential College (RC) in UTown
Food waste is sorted at Cinnamon RC dining hall kitchen before being sent to Food Waste Valoriser for onsite treatment.
Outside Campus
Treated substrates from the valoriser sent off-campus to be converted to high-quality microbial protein feed for aquaculture industry.

Sorting to reduce mindless dumping


Large amounts of waste is generated during biannual hostel checkout at the end of semester. To prevent indiscriminate dumping in the chutes, ground level collection points are setup for hostelites to sort waste, recyclables and reusables before moving out.

Reusable items in good condition are sorted by students. Textile items like pillows and bedsheets are sent to Cloop, while clothes hangers are set aside for reuse by incoming hostelites.

Selected material streams

To ensure that our recyclables will be processed, we collect only materials with downstream demand, this includes PET ♳ bottles, metal cans, paper, glass packaging, e-waste and textile.

Recycling collection points:

Unlike the public commingled (mixed) recycling collection, we practise segregated recycling on campus where our community sort at source to minimise contamination. Clean Plastic PET♳ bottles collected here are sent for processing to be converted into food grade rPET♳ resins to close the plastic waste loop.

Where our recyclables go

Packaging materials (plastics bottles, metal cans, paper and glass containers) are transported in clean homogeneous streams to local facilities for baling before overseas export to recycling plants.

Photos taken at local recycling facilities at Lok Yang Road, Singapore.

E-waste on campus is collected by ALBA through dedicated bins placed on campus or directly through ALBA STEP UP app. Collected e-waste is then distributed to local facilities like EWR2 which takes apart components, sort materials and harvest precious metals.

A work bench for dismantling electronic equipment at EWR2 in Tuas Singapore. Source reference from Mothership

Textile, including clothes, pillows, bedsheets, are collected through Cloop bins on campus and annual campus-wide reuse drive. Collected textile are distributed to ISO-accredited recycling partners like LifeLine Clothing Malaysia Sdn Bhd, to be sorted for reuse, upcycle or recycle internationally.

LifeLine Clothing factory floor in Port Klang, Malaysia, where fabrics are sorted into more than 500 categories before being baled and exported Source reference from CNA.

Horticulture waste on campus is generated through regular landscaping and tree pruning activities. Majority is sent to waste-to-energy biomass plant, while a small portion is converted to mulch for use on campus grounds.

800 Super’s integrated facility in Tuas South boasts various capabilities, including sludge treatment and animal feed processing. Source reference from Straits Times.

Road paving on campus:

Using campus grounds as a testbed, we are collaborating with industry and academic partners to convert mixed plastic materials into bitumen for road paving while ensuring structural integrity, safety and environmental performance.

In facilities outside the campus, plastic materials are shredded before processing to form a bituminous mix for road works.

Turning food waste into compost or aquaculture feed

Food courts, dining halls and canteens:

Kitchen staff sort pre-processing food waste like fruit peels and vegetable scraps into dedicated food waste collection bins.

Aerobic digestors & food waste valoriser:

Collected food waste is sent to one of our three onsite aerobic digestors to be turned into compost for campus landscaping, or to the waste valoriser at Tembusu/Cinnamon Residential College to be processed into aquaculture feed.

Repurposing plastic waste

Resource Sorting Stations:

Besides PET♳, additional plastic streams (HDPE♴, LDPE♶ and PP♷) are collected through the pilot Resource Sorting Stations placed outside hostels.

Laboratories across campus:

Plastic lab consumables, such as pipettes containers (PP♷) pictured above, will be collected through dedicated bin points in laboratories.

Road paving on campus:

Using campus grounds as a testbed, we are collaborating with industry and academic partners to convert mixed plastic materials into bitumen for road paving while ensuring structural integrity, safety and environmental performance.

In facilities outside the campus, plastic materials are shredded before processing to form a bituminous mix for road works.

Turning food waste into compost or aquaculture feed

Food courts, dining halls and canteens:

Kitchen staff sort pre-processing food waste like fruit peels and vegetable scraps into dedicated food waste collection bins.

Aerobic digestors & food waste valoriser:

Collected food waste is sent to one of our three onsite aerobic digestors to be turned into compost for campus landscaping, or to the waste valoriser at Tembusu/Cinnamon Residential College to be processed into aquaculture feed.

Encourage reusables and phase out takeaway disposables

Dining halls

We urge hostelites to bring their own reusables when taking away at the Grab & Go breakfast counters, as a less wasteful option to single-use disposables.

Food courts and canteens

Takeaway disposables made up about 13%1 of waste disposed of in NUS. To phase out disposables, we are trialing alternatives like reusable takeaway systems or switching to compostable ware.

1 Based on waste composition studies conducted between 2022-2024 at various locations across campus.

We have conducted site visits to our recycling collectors’ material recovery facilities at Lok Yang Road to check how our recyclables are processed.

Our recyclables are clean enough for recycling

The NUS community has been consistently sorting right, resulting in largely clean, homogeneous recyclable streams. Contamination rates at our Recycle Right bins and Resource Sorting Stations are low.

Our recycling collectors transport these clean recyclables to local material recovery facilities for baling and consolidation before exporting them to neighbouring countries for recycling.

Prioritise key waste streams to increase recycling rate

In 2023, the recycling rate dropped to baseline level of 27%, due to the cessation of off-site food waste recycling at NEA Ulu Pandan co-digestion plant. The daily waste disposed per capita also increased due to more events on campus.

We will be maximising food waste recycling with a hub and spoke model to transport food waste from various parts of campus to our three onsite composters and a new food waste valoriser. In 2025, we aim to reduce excessive food waste generated from catering. We are also closing plastic waste loops by collecting more types of plastics (e.g., low-density polyethylene) to repurpose as modified bitumen for paving campus roads. By 2025, we strive to achieve 28% recycling rate and 0.16 kg/day/capita as an interim target, by maximising recycling and reducing our total waste generated.

An energy audit conducted in an energy-intensive building highlighted ultra-low temperature freezers (i.e. deep freezers) as a key intervention.

Switching to energy efficient deep freezers in two years

In 2023, we launched our Sustainable Procurement Framework, where key guiding principles include avoiding unnecessary purchases, considering total cost of ownership and sourcing sustainable or energy efficient products.
By 2025, 212 out of 532 deep freezers across campus will be changed to energy efficient models from the central procurement catalogue. This will save about 2.4 GWh annually.
Staff participating in NUS Giving 2023 ‘Plant-It-Forward’ event planting trees in University Town.

Planting 100,000 trees on campus

Planted 47,552 trees on campus since November 2018

We aim to plant 100,000 trees by 2030, contributing to 10% of Singapore’s OneMillionTrees movement.

A virtual model of NUS Kent Ridge campus showing micro-climate sensor network of 40 weather stations, 6 infrared cameras and 3 meteorological towers.

High resolution data for cool campus programme

Close to 50 campus-wide sensors provide us with high-resolution environmental data to identify hot spots, forming the basis to test outdoor thermal comfort mitigation measures such as cool paint on buildings and hard surfaces as well as extensive greening, and provide planning insights for future campus development.
SDE4 was the first local university building to achieve Green Mark Operation Platinum Positive Energy certification with at least 115% more energy than consumed annually. In 2022, 485 MWh of solar energy was generated from SDE4 rooftop solar panels, while only 379 MWh was consumed in building operations. The excess energy was enough to power twenty five 4-room HDB flats for a whole year!

At President’s Award for Environment 2023 award ceremony, we shared our net zero energy design philosophy with President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and guests, including Mr Tharman’s spouse Ms Jane Ittogi, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Dr Amy Khor, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Ms Grace Fu and Senior Parliamentary Secretary Mr Baey Yam Keng.

Sharing NUS Campus Sustainability Roadmap 2030 at key platforms to support Singapore Green Plan 2030.
Hosted Abu Dhabi Department of Energy and the UAE Embassy in October 2022.
Hosting foreign delegates to share design philosophy on net zero energy buildings.
Hosting global universities to exchange ideas and learnings, as well as to support capacity-building as a leading university.
Meeting with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) sustainability team in 2024.
We meet annually with sustainability teams from Institutes of Higher Learning to exchange best practices and learnings.

SDE4 is the first purpose-built net-zero energy building in Singapore.

We are advancing our net zero energy design philosophy in all suitable new buildings by incorporating active and passive design features to reduce energy consumption, while designing for onsite renewable energy production.
Originally built in the 1970s, SDE1 & 3 were redesigned and retrofitted with net zero, low-energy green architectural elements.
Older buildings like SDE1 & SDE3 were retrofitted to preserve embodied carbon. After renovation, the total embodied carbon was about 200 kgCO2e/m2, 80% lower than BCA’s reference value (1,000 kgCO2e/m2 for non-residential buildings).

Energy performance ahead of government benchmark

School of Design & Environment (SDE) building cluster, consisting of SDE 1, 3 and 4, have achieved Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) significantly lower than the Super Low Energy benchmark set by Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for Institutes of Higher Learning.
Rooftop solar panels installed campus wide such as in the College of Design & Engineering (CDE) precinct

Commissioning 9.2 MWp of solar photovoltaic capacity

Solar panels onsite will supply renewable energy to replace approximately 4% (11 GWh) of NUS’ total electricity consumption, enough to power 2,500 four-room HDB flats for a year. These solar panels will be switched on progressively in 2024.

We are striving to maximise our solar capacity to 14 MWp by 2030 through higher efficiency solar panel technology and increased roof top coverage.

Beating the rise in emissions

In 2023, our emissions increased from 115 ktCO2e in 2022 to 122 ktCO2e due to the addition of new buildings and increased energy use in existing buildings.

While new buildings have achieved Green Mark (GM) Platinum and above certifications in design, we are also optimising the energy consumption in these buildings during operations. By 2025, we strive to beat the increase and achieve 118 ktCO2e as an interim target, aiming for 7.5 ktCO2e reduction through green lab initiative and commissioning campus-wide rooftop solar panels.