sustainABLE NUS Showcase 2017
Held at University Town from 29 to 30 August 2017, the sustainABLE NUS Showcase was NUS’ inaugural event to highlight actions that the University is taking to transform NUS into a greener campus, as well as the University’s efforts in research and education to meet sustainability challenges of today and the future. Organised by the Office of Environmental Sustainability, with support from the Office of Deputy President (Research and Technology) and the School of Design and Environment, the Showcase aimed to inspire, educate and allow the NUS community to explore current and real-life sustainability possibilities.
To kick off the event on the first day, the Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) Jukebox performed local favourites “Home” and “Saving Gaia”, providing a joyous atmosphere for the occasion. This was followed by a welcome address from NUS President Prof Tan Chorh Chuan and opening remarks by the Guest-of-Honour, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR), Mr Masagos Zulkifli.

The Showcase brought together various NUS offices, faculties, research institutes and student groups, as well as government and community partners, focusing on four key areas:

We hope that everyone who came enjoyed themselves and learnt a thing or two about how to adopt sustainable lifestyles. Stay tuned to our website and emails for next year’s edition of the Showcase!