Creating Zero Waste precincts where careful waste sorting for recycling and reusing is a social norm, and waste loops are closed with circular economy technology testbeds

Our Approach

NUS has a vision to achieve an operational Zero Waste campus by 2030, where 50% of our waste sent to incineration plants will be diverted for recycling, reusing and most importantly cutting down of waste generated. The Zero Waste NUS Roadmap 2030 was developed in support of Singapore’s Zero Waste Masterplan which aims to reduce waste disposed to Semakau Landfill by 2030 through minimising food waste, packaging waste and e-waste.

Zero Waste Plan

Progress Highlights


  • Recycling rate: 32%
  • Daily Waste Disposed per capita: +14% (0.16 kg/day/capita)

Getting Granular Data through Smart System

We worked closely with our collector, ALBA-WH, to deploy a smart waste and recycling collection system that provides granular bin centre-level data since 2021, compared to the previous aggregated campus data that is the industry norm. To delve deeper, we also conduct audits to verify data accuracy and waste composition studies to gain insights on the breakdown of the waste disposed. These exercises will enable us to develop targeted initiatives to engage various stakeholders.

ALBA truck
ALBA load cells weight

ALBA-WH’s waste trucks are fitted with load cells that collect waste weight data from RFID-tagged bins at every bin centre.

Sorting More, Sorting Right - Recycle Right Bin

We have installed Recycle Right bins starting from two precincts to the entire campus since 2021 to get the community into the habit of sorting. These bins were also piloted in shopping malls in collaboration with the National Environment Agency (NEA) and were similarly proven to be effective in reducing recycling contamination rate from 79% to 29%.

Recycle Right Bins

The “Recycle Right” bin design features a clear display with real non-recyclables that highlights what should not be placed inside the recycling bins, a slidable opening lid that adds friction to reduce mindless throwing of non-recyclables and a transparent bin body that showcases the accumulated clean recyclables.

Establishing Social Norm of Waste Sorting - Data-enabled Resource Sorting Station

We installed the Resource Sorting Station at Tembusu Residential College and UTown Residences in 2023, supported by the SG Eco Fund, to further encourage careful waste sorting for recycling. Replacing heavily contaminated recycling chutes, residents need to login with their room number to deposit their recyclables at the Station. With more deliberate sorting infrastructure, the recycling contamination rate significantly dropped from 50% to near zero. We will work towards rolling them out to other UTown colleges in subsequent years.

Resource Sorting Station

The Resource Sorting Station has segregated streams with transparent bins to inspire confidence and encourage responsible use.